Atlanta BitDevs

Bitcoin Socratic Seminar #22

Bitcoin Socratic Seminar #22

It’s almost time for Bitcoin Socratic Seminar #22!

What is a Socratic Seminar?

Inspired by other BitDevs meetups around the US, our Socratic Seminar events are formatted to foster debate, information sharing and lively discussion.

  1. Discussion topics are provided ahead of the event
  2. The event moderator(s) leads the audience through the topics
  3. Raise your hand to grab the mic and participate in the conversation
  4. We go to a bar afterwards

Logistics for Tonight

Due to a scheduling conflict with our hosts, we're not going to be at NCR. This time, we'll try a Socratic Seminar at ATL BitLab and see how it goes. If this is your first time attending a meetup at BitLab, follow these parking instructions and join our telegram channel in case you need to ask for help finding us the night of the event.


🧡 Bitcoin

20 BTC mining fee accident

Taproot Assets Protocol BIPs

Bitcoin covenant tools softfork PR

ZeroSync STARK header chain verifier demo

The ZeroSync project announced a demo and repo using STARKs to prove and verify a chain of Bitcoin block headers.

ZeroSync Announcement

ZeroSync Demo

ZeroSync Repository


Caset Rodarmor (creator of Ord) tweets about working on "Runestones".

Runestones Repository


BitVM paper - Compute Anything on Bitcoin

BitVM Summary by Bob Bodily

⚡️ Lightning

blip-0029: Taproot Asset Protocol Channels

Taproot Assets on mainnet

Practical PTLCs, a little more concretely

Amboss launches Hydro liquidity service

LDK #2413 supports sending payments to blinded paths and allows receiving payments to paths where a single final hop is hidden (blinded) from the spender.

PR #2514, also merged this week, provides other support for blinded payments in LDK.

LDK #2371 adds support for managing payments using offers. It allows a client application using LDK to use an offer to register its intent to pay an invoice, timing out the payment attempt if a sent offer never results in a received invoice, and then using existing code in LDK to pay the invoice (including retrying if the first attempts don’t succeed).

Scaling Lightning with Covenants

LND Route blinding merged

Doppler used to find issue in Eclair

LND 0.17 released - includes simple taproot channels

River report on LN growth

Vulnerability Disclosure: "All your mempool are belong to us"

🧠 AI

GPUtpoia - rent out your GPU for AI operations, earn bitcoin

Start9 launches self-hosted LLM and self-hosted StableDiffusion

ChatGPT will be able to parse images and speak

🔒 Infosec & Privacy

Veilid - successor to TOR from Cult of the Dead Cow

Quantum Resistance and the Signal Protocol

Obscura VPN - Carl Dong launches VPN service that cant track activity

📊 Business

Chipper adds Lightning - TBD

Blockstream Greenlight open for business

🟣 Nostr

Exit: backup twitter data and import to Nostr

$prism: Nostr lightning prism protocol

Njump - nostr profiles UI

🎉 Fun

Footage released of Hal Finney presenting at Crypto ‘98

Bitcoin / USD pricing oracle that only depends on a Bitcoin Core node